Welcome to Chamberlands
Chamberlands Beach & Mountain Club (CBMC) is an organization for the homeowners within the Chamberlands development of nearly 300 homes west of highway 89 at Chambers Landing.  The beach at Chambers Landing is a crown jewel on the West Shore of Lake Tahoe and is a tremendous asset to the homeowners within Chamberlands.  CBMC was established in 1959 so that the property owners in the Chamberlands subdivision maintain control and access to the private beach at Chambers Landing.
In addition to beach access, CBMC is focused on providing value to the homeowners through expanded summer and winter services, community beautification, and other activities that make Chamberlands the best residential community on the West Shore.  Our services include beach operations and lifeguards, summer shuttle bus services, snow removal services, social functions, and other community improvements.  CBMC is managed by a board of directors and other volunteers to support committees. 
If you would like to get involved or you are interested in learning more please contact us here.